frequently asked questions
Yes! We are open rain or shine. Our attractions are primarily indoors, besides that of our corn maze haunt "Slaughterhouse" which is 70% outside. Dress appropriately for the weather.
Our operating hours vary. Generally, we're open Friday-Sunday nights during Halloween Season (Late September and through October), but we are open some Thursdays and Halloween. Please see our calendar for official dates.
Our hours of operation are from 7:00 pm to roughly 11:00 pm each night, but we encourage arriving earlier to enjoy the most the Midway has to offer before you delve into the darkness.
The Scariest Corn Maze in Canada began in 2008 and has grown substantially since. Going into a hiatus where the business was restructured, in 2018 it was relaunched bigger and better than before. We're excited to introduce our narrative "The Witching Hour" which we are confident will excite die hard fans and new scare fanatics to the new heights MF Haunts has reached.
Cost varies by night, how many attractions you'd like to do, and if you want to upgrade your ticket.
Tickets can only be purchased online, we do not sell tickets at the door through our staff. We strongly encourage you to buy your tickets in advance, as demand rises the closer we get to the Halloween season.
Our attractions are not recommended for guests under the age of 14. From our reviews, guests rarely leave unscared.
You need to present the QR code attached to your ticket to check in at the Farm and at each of your Haunted Attractions.
If you are unable to have your ticket available on your device to be scanned, we recommend printing at them home prior to arrival.
Ticket insurance can be added to your ticket which will allow for one reschedule. Otherwise, all ticket dates and times are final.
Share a scare! We offer group discount rates, so please go to our ticketing page to learn more or email ticketing@maanfarms.com to inquire further.
No, as this is targeted for an older audience, we do not offer youth rates.
No. However, you are able to purchase another ticket online if you would like to walk through the haunted attractions again, depending if there are available slots.
No. You paid to be scared, if you can't finish the experience we have curated for you, we take it as a compliment.
day of event
Wait times fluctuate depending on how many tickets were purchased for each time slot. We do our best to keep the lines moving at a consistent pace. Please keep in mind that our busier and more frightful nights may lead to an increase in wait time. We offer Fast Pass and Immediate Access tickets that reduce your wait substantially on very busy nights.
Yes! On busier nights, our lot may fill up but there is usually available parking nearby. Please be respectful of our neighbors and do not park in any reserved spots.
Each attraction varies, but most groups can make it through an attraction within 20-30 minutes. But if we have time to kill, we'll stretch it out and get the most out of each scare.
Yes. There are strobe lights within some areas of the attractions. It is not recommended for people that have Epilepsy go through the haunted attractions. Guest safety is our number one concern.
Yes. Our on site security along with the Abbotsford Police Department ensure a safe and respectable event.
Our maximum group size is 6 people. Please keep in mind groups may split up inside on a busier night, but we have designed the show to handle large volumes of people to ensure maximum scare potential, regardless of customer count.
The Way Down and Homestead are fully interactive experiences in which the actors will touch, grab, pull and push you as you make your way through the attractions. Slaughterhouse is a NO TOUCH haunt, you can not touch the actors and the actors can not touch you.
Please refer to the mandatory waiver for more details.
All lineups are outside. We recommend dressing appropriately for the weather.
There are no live animals within the haunted attractions.
No photos or videos are permitted within the attractions, and will lead to removal from the facility.
There are no photos allowed inside the Haunts, though you are welcome to take photos while in line.
If you are too afraid, remain calm and notify the nearest actor and they will escort you to the nearest exit or notify their supervisor. Please note, we do not give refunds under any circumstances. You paid to be scared.
Each attraction has rules that will be explained to you before entering, including the "safeword" to opt out of an experience.
If you are too afraid, remain calm and notify the nearest actor and they will escort you to the nearest exit or notify their supervisor. Please note, we do not give refunds under any circumstances. You paid to be scared.
Guests part of a group who do not want to participate in the Haunts do not need a ticket to enter the Midway and Market at Maan Farms. They are welcome to wait there and enjoy food, wine, and shopping!
should and should not
We recommend that people with asthma do NOT go through the attraction.
We recommend contacting your Physician to discuss the situation since we have fog machines in almost every area of each attraction. If your Physician thinks you are alright to do so, we recommend ensuring you have your inhaler or whatever other device you may need to ensure you can breathe easier.
Your safety is our top concern.
For your safety and the safety of other guests, no umbrellas are allowed in the attractions or the lineups. We recommend rain ponchos if the weather isn't nice
We do not recommend pregnant women go through the haunted attractions. We suggest calling your OBGYN and/or Physician to discuss the situation with them.
No. There are no pets allowed throughout the attractions.
No. We recommend for ages 14 and up. Additionally, we will not allow anyone under the age of 5. Every guest that goes through must walk, we will not permit any carrying as that will compromise the safety of them and the guest carrying.
Yes. We accept all major credit cards and debit cards at our on-site ticket office and here at our online ticketing page.
Yes. Any foul language directed at any of our employees, to other guests or persistently in a disrespectful manner interrupting other guests experience will not be tolerated No obscene behavior, weapons, alcohol, drugs, etc… We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone we deem not appropriate for entry. Please use your head!
Please fill out the application HERE
Please email ticketing@maanfarms.com
Yes, most costumes are welcome. However, please be aware of the following safety restrictions:
- NO masks or helmets may be worn.
- NO oversized costumes such as stilts or inflatables.
- NO handheld props or costume pieces.
If our staff advises against any costumes or costume pieces you will have to change or leave certain costume elements in your car before entering.
Please email marketing@maanfarms.com
Please dress appropriately for the weather, as well as in accordance to good public behavior. Any piece of clothing that is deemed rudely sexist, homophobic, racist or demeaning to any group of persons will be responded to with request for guest to change, or removal if guest refuses to do so. It is strongly recommended to wear closed toe shoes. High heels and flip flops are strongly advised against. You will encounter various walking surfaces, darkness, and moisture inside the haunted attractions. Comfortable casual wear that you can move in is suggested.